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alarm dealer

Read the Story of "Your Local Alarm Dealer" and Your Friend, Shawnie Whitaker

For a lot of us, our purpose in life isn't always as clear as we'd like for it to be. If you knew what your purpose was, your reason to exist, and what mark your were supposed to make on this world, would you put everything you have into making it happen? Would you build a company around that purpose and find a way to share your gift with others? If you are Shawnie Whitaker, the answer is yes, every day would be spent building relationships, making connections, and touching the lives of the people in need of your help and inspiring those with the ability to change lives, to take action. This is the true story of Your Local Alarm Dealer...


Shawnie Whitaker was your typical kid growing up. He had a loving family, plenty of friends, and a love of the ocean. He spent his free time at the beach and if you had to describe Shawnie in just one word, everyone that knew and loved him would answer the same, "he's a surfer". Shawnie spent 16 years of his life carefree, with little to worry about and endless possibilities, but that came to end on the 16th of December in 1989.


Like many times before, Shawnie had plans for a day of surf and sun with a group of friends. While driving to the beach in the early morning hours of a hot Florida day, Shawnie, with a carload of friends not too far behind him, entered an intersection and without a moment's noticed was T-boned by a fast moving vehicle. He was rushed to the local hospital, but only given a 10% chance of survival. His left leg was amputated, spleen removed, and his punctured liver had to be stitched up. His left femur broken in half, pelvis displaced by an inch, and the doctors were certain paralysis was his best prognosis. After 28 days of uncertainty, his parents desperate for a miracle, Shawnie finally woke from his coma. Then after two months of rehabilitation in the hospital, bedridden, battered and bruised, and 54 pounds lighter, weakened by trauma, it would have been easy for Shawnie to give up. What inspired him though, was the efforts of those who knew him, the community he grew up in, in a time before the internet and before GoFundMe, the people that heard of this tragic accident came together, organized high school dances, surfing contests, and a basketball tournament. They started "The Shawnie Whitaker Surf Trust Fund" and raised over $34,000. Motivated to "Help Shawnie Surf Again". So instead of giving up, Shawnie found the strength to start again, to push through sorrow and desperation, and instead of questioning why this happened to him, he decided his life had meaning. He knew he needed to dedicate his life to something powerful, that helped and inspired others, like he was inspired by his community, friends, and family.


So why an alarm company? Installing business and home security systems means providing safety, security and protection to things held so precious to us, to what we work hard to build, and take care of. To offer peace of mind and assurance that we don't lose everything we care for, without a moments notice. Those that know Shawnie best, know that when he says he "does it for the families" those aren't just words to make a sale. As a matter of fact, people tend to ask him often, why he offers so much without charging or upselling the equipment. Shawnie simply explains, "Life throws us curveballs", he just wants to make sure these families aren't devastated by a curveball that HE could of hit out of the park!


Your Local Alarm Dealer, Shawnie Whitaker, offering protection, security, and peace of mind.





Shawnie Whitaker finds joy in the happiness of others, and keeping them safe is his life's work. Call and ask for Shawnie and see just how infectious his smile can be!

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